Membres aéroports

Joindre comme membre aéroport

L’ACI Afrique, la voix des aéroports africains, a pour objectif principal de promouvoir les intérêts des aéroports africains et de promouvoir l’excellence professionnelle dans la gestion et l’exploitation des aéroports sur le continent africain.

General Information

Principal city / town served br airport or airport authority

Official Representative

Management Officers

Key officers of the airport or airport authority. Titles may differ from airport to airport. A person's name may appear more than once
Chairman or President
Chief Executive Officer
Other Designated Officer

Persons Designated for Liaison with ACI

Information Technology
Public Relations
Technical / Planning


List of airports operated by your authority

Traffic Data

Passengers - Total of passengers embarked and disembarked (enplaned and deplaned)
Cargo - Total of freight and mail loaded and unloaded in metric tonnes


I, the undersigned

Acting for the airport, declare that I am acquainted with the ACI Constitution and request admission of the airport designated above as a Regular Member