Preparation for the Restart at African Airports
The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on aviation has been and will continue to be unprecedented in its magnitude and scope for the industry.
Though many African airports have responded well to the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic by implementing a number of measures to prevent the entry and spread of the virus through their air border, it is now vital that we urgently put in place an adequate operational plan to allow for the smooth and coordinated reopening of the airports on the continent after the end of the lockdown and the reopening of national, regional and international borders.
In a bid to assist all African airports in this critical phase, ACI Africa has come up with a set of recommendations on the restart of airport activities, adapted to the African context and based on prescribed guidelines by different organizations and agencies, and best practices adopted by airports worldwide.
It is expected that these recommendations will serve as a roadmap for all African airports to prepare and/or update their recovery plans in the most coordinated and efficient manner by laying emphasis on six pillars which ACI Africa considers as fundamental in restoring confidence in the travelling public in the new normal at airports. These key pillars are:
- Preparedness
- Motivated staff
- Healthy airport
- Healthy experience
- Financial sustainability
- Communication
As always, ACI Africa will continue to be on your side in those testing times and we encourage you to reach out to us if you need any assistance with your restart plan. We are also at your disposal if you need us to present to you and your team the fundamentals of these guidelines. In this context, you may contact Romesh Bhoyroo at for further guidance.